About Unitarianism

The name Unitarian was given to people in the 18th century who proclaimed the Unity of God rather than God as Trinity. The Trinitarian debate is now long past. So too is the idea of the inerrancy of the Bible, which is regarded as an inspirational text written by people of different times and cultures.

Unitarians are religious freethinkers – we base our faith on reason and conscience rather than creed, and belong to a well-established denomination, with roots in the Judaeo-Christian Tradition. We have evolved to incorporate wisdom thinking and worship practice from a variety of sources, but mainly focus on a spiritual response to current issues affecting the world in which we live.

We welcome those of any faith or of none to join us at our services.


These are some key principles of contemporary Unitarianism:

  • The Oneness of God
  • The value of the teachings of Jesus
  • The integrity of Creation and the web of life
  • The inherent worth of all people
  • Rejection of distinctions on the basis of gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation
  • The spiritual nature of humanity
  • The conscientious search for truth and meaning
  • Commitment to Evolutionary Theory in life sciences
  • Freedom of choice in religion, and respect for that choice
  • A desire for peace and justice throughout the world
  • A willingness to act to relieve suffering, whatever its cause


Further Information:

The General Assembly of Unitarians in the UK: https://www.unitarian.org.uk/

Download a free copy of Unitarian? What’s That? At https://www.unitarian.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Unitarian-Whats-That-2018-edition.pdf

Scroll down to watch a video at https://www.unitarian.org.uk/who-we-are/radical-spirituality