Religious Education

“There are many questions that cannot be answered. There are no answers that cannot be questioned.”

Unitarians regard Religious Education as lifelong. We encourage people of all ages to explore and hopefully grow their own personal theology and spiritual nature. In community we learn from each other, while alone we reflect on our faith using a variety of resources. As we do not subscribe to creeds we consider aspects of belief by asking open questions. We also discuss moral issues of contemporary relevance in the context of the connectedness of all living beings. Young people can attend national age-relevant weekends, or meet on Zoom, and there is an annual Summer School for both adults and children at the Unitarian Conference Centre at Hucklow in Derbyshire.

If you want advice from our RE Coordinator, use the Contact form

Unitarian Transformers is a programme of spirituality and education that builds community by developing both in-person and online gatherings, supporting and encouraging new and existing Unitarian fellowships. They offer a variety of online gatherings, from meditations to conversations. All welcome.

Life Spirit is a way of exploring personal spirituality, individually or in groups.

Life Spirit

Unitarian College, Manchester provides courses in lay leadership, ministry training and religious education. The Western Union provides part grants for Lay Training.


Stokes Croft Educational Foundation also provides grants; e-mail [email protected]

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